Sunday, September 14, 2008

Snow Peak Repeater Site

The Snow Peak Repeater Site will serve as a link for the LDS Church members who live in Twenty-nine Palms, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, etc. to the Colton, CA Bishops Storehouse. The repeater once completed will allow radio operators to transmit vital emergency information during a disaster. It has been a great adventure helping with this very important project.

Snow Peak is an 8,000 ft. peak that sits between San Gorgonio and San Jacinto Peaks in Southern California.

Thank you to those who have made this site and others available for the use of the LDS Church and SCIRA, Inc. SCIRA, Inc. was organized to support the Priesthood leadership of the LDS Church and particularly the Colton Bishops Storehouse. To support and or join SCIRA, Inc. please visit We need your help!!! All of this takes a lot of time and funds to accomplish. 73s Aaron