Sunday, December 7, 2008

Pearl Harbor Day Sunday, 7 Dec 1941

This year Pearl Harbor Day falls on a Sunday just like it did many
years ago. I'm amazed how many people have forgotten all about this.
Just like September 11th, we must never forget!!


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ICE-300 Unified Command Training

I am half way through this class. The training information is
excellent. I recommend it to anyone wishing to be more prepared for a


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Golden Guardian 2008

We had an excellent time volunteering at the San Bernardino County EOC this November 13 & 14. It was a great opportunity for us to practice our emergency radio traffic skills and to make many new friends.

This exercise simulated a 7.8 earthquake on the San Andres fault line here in Southern California. Our traffic consisted of relaying vital hospital communications, relief supplies and yes the delivery of two semi loads of Tripe and Chitlins. Oh yes don't forget the Tabasco sauce. (Just for fun) :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Snow Peak Repeater Site

The Snow Peak Repeater Site will serve as a link for the LDS Church members who live in Twenty-nine Palms, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, etc. to the Colton, CA Bishops Storehouse. The repeater once completed will allow radio operators to transmit vital emergency information during a disaster. It has been a great adventure helping with this very important project.

Snow Peak is an 8,000 ft. peak that sits between San Gorgonio and San Jacinto Peaks in Southern California.

Thank you to those who have made this site and others available for the use of the LDS Church and SCIRA, Inc. SCIRA, Inc. was organized to support the Priesthood leadership of the LDS Church and particularly the Colton Bishops Storehouse. To support and or join SCIRA, Inc. please visit We need your help!!! All of this takes a lot of time and funds to accomplish. 73s Aaron

Friday, July 25, 2008

Back to Mt. Baldy

This trip we took the whole family and our friends family. We wanted to bost about the little guys that made it all the way to the top. Congratulations Braden (6), Justine (9), and Lance (6)!! These guys did what a lot of adults can't even do. They are really happy kids.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Kern River Trip

We had a wonderful trip to the Kern River. Took the HT and the mobile unit. Were able to successfully send and receive APRS messages the whole way. Excellent Fishing too!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

San Gorgonio Summit

Bagged another peak. This time we took my Aunt Vernie with us. Lots of snow on the mountain this year. We had the best trip. Transmitted with my HT from the top too! Elevation 11,501 ft. above sea level.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mt. Baldy Summit!

We decided to take an adventure this year for our 18th wedding anniversary. So we hiked to the summit of Mt. Baldy, CA. Elevation 10,064 ft. above sea level. We had a wonderful time. Excellent views. One of my favorite hikes this season. 73s

Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Day at the Tower

Kind of like traveling in space.

Pretty High! But Fun.
Light wind. On top of the world.

The Crew. . .

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Getting the SPACE out of my plates.

Today is a new day. I decided to try yet again to get the SPACE out of my plates. It is my understanding that the CA DMV has reversed its decision to insert a space in Amateur Radio License Plates.

So I'm going to give it a try one more time. I hope it works this time. Thankfully, my local DMV manager is allowing me to mail another form to her rather than travel yet again into the office. I've already been in 4 times. That's not easy either, due to the fact that its a 45 minute drive each way plus an hour + at each visit.

I'll report back soon I hope.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sobe Bomb - Mojave Desert Trip

We took some time off to get away from the cold snow and warm up by the fire!

Kids don't try this at home ever!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

California DMV - Amateur Radio Plates - No Space Issue

Ham radio operators beware if you plan on ordering new license plates with your call sign. The California Department of Motor Vehicles will add a "space" following the "6" in your call sign. Don't even bother trying to get them to change. They have no intentions to do so.

I have wasted so much time trying to them to remove the space from mine. The staff at your local DMV probably won't know anything about the issue either and won't be able to tell you upfront when you file the paperwork.

I wish that California would adopt what other states have done and put a graphic on the plates to clearly indicate that they are amateur radio plates. This way no confusion will occur and our call signs will look like they should. No Space!

For a response from DMV, go to the following blog or read the text below.

DMV's Dec. 27, 2007 Response to Marvin Munster
This is in response to your letter dated December 13, 2007, regarding the spacing of your Amateur Radio (HAM) call letters on your license plates.

California Vehicle Code Section 5005 allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue special plates in lieu of the regular license plates to a vehicle owned by persons holding an Amateur Radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). These special license plates display the official Amateur Radio call letters of the applicant as assigned by the FCC.

The Department has been issuing HAM license plates since 1953 when the statute was first enacted. The placement or spacing of letters and numbers composed of the HAM license was originally determined by the FCC. Although the department is required by law to issue HAM license plates with specific call letters, spacing is not addressed in the statute and the department can exercise its administrative authority in this regard.

The Department adopted the spacing in order for law enforcement to differentiate between HAM license plates and other series license plates. Unlike other states, California does not distinguish the HAM license plates with a symbol or wording indicating the plate is a HAM plate.

In April 2007, it was brought to our attention that the HAM license plates were being ordered and issued without the proper spacing. The problem has since been corrected; however, those HAM plates issued with no spaces will remain valid until the plates are lost or damaged and duplicates are requested. The Department has received several complaints, regarding the spacing of HAM license plates ordered by applicants. Thoughts of eliminating the spaces have been reviewed, but we must take into consideration the other series license plates and the distinction that HAM license plates will no longer have.


MARIO BALBIANI, Program Manager
Registration Policy Development
Department OF Motor Vehicles
Registration Operations Division
P.O. Box 825393
Sacramento, CA 94232-5393